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CCMP89-RD-022 癲癇的中西醫學整合研究─ 中藥方TW-001與西藥抗癲癇藥物整合使用的基礎實驗研究(5-3)

  • 資料來源:中醫藥司
  • 建檔日期:89-08-27
  • 更新時間:109-04-06

癲癇的中西醫學整合研究─ 中藥方TW-001與西藥抗癲癇藥物整合使用的基礎實驗研究(5-3)


The Integration of Chinese and Western Medicine in Epilepsy Research Experimental Studies of the Rational Combination Use of the Chinese Herbal Mixture “Chai-Hu-Long-Ku-Mu-Li-Tan” and Traditional Antiepileptic Drugs(5-3)

Tsai Jing-Jane
Epilepsy research center, Cheng Kung University Hospital
The mixture of “Chai-Hu-Long-Ku-Mu-Li-Tan” (TW-001) described in the Chinese medical book “Shang Han Lun” has the potential antiepileptic effect. According to the guideline of the Anticonvulsant Screening Project (ASP) in U.S.A., we conducted the tests of the antiepileptic properties of TW-001. Tests against convulsions induced by pentylenetetrazol (PTZ) and electroshock showed TW-001 was significantly effective. In addition, TW-001 inhibited significantly the population spikes and field excitatory postsynaptic potentials induced by picrotoxin in rat hippocampal slice when standard extracellular and intracellular field recording techniques were used. Furthermore, different mechanisms of action between TW-001 and traditional antiepileptic drugs were found. Consequently, we want to investigate the efficacy and toxic effects of the combination use of TW-001 and different traditional antiepileptic drugs. All compounds will be compared using dose equivalent based on their respective ED5
關鍵字:Epilepsy, Chai-Hu-Long-Ku-Mu-Li-Tan, Rational polypharmacy